If you have other questions that are not answered below, please feel free to contact me. I’m happy to explain more.


Reiki By Jason & Reiki Sessions FAQs

For in person Reiki sessions, I work from two locations, in Ithaca, NY and Cortland, NY.

My main Ithaca office is located in my home office in the Northeast Ithaca/Lansing area. Because I work out of my home, my address is not publicly provided on the website. You will be provided the exact address prior to your first appointment with me.

Starting in January 2024 I am excited to be able to offer appointments in Cortland. My Cortland office is a shared office space at Invigorations Studio, located at 150 Tompkins St., Cortland, NY (just behind Varsity Liquors).

Hours are by appointment only and can vary depending on the day.

While specific hours and availability can vary, I generally am available for appointments at the Ithaca office on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays. I generally have appointments at the Cortland office on Mondays and Tuesdays. These days and availability may change from time to time, so definitely check the Appointment Scheduler for the most accurate information and to schedule your Reiki session with me.

Initial Consultation

If you plan to receive Reiki at the Ithaca office or as an Outcall Service, an initial consultation is required prior to your first appointment. If this will be your first session with Jason, we will set up a time to have a brief initial consultation a few days prior to your scheduled appointment. The purpose of this initial consultation is to introduce myself to you, to make sure you understand what happens during a session, to learn more about what your goals and expectations for the session are, and to answer any questions you might have. This is to ensure that we are able to maximize our time together in the most efficient manner on the day of your actual appointment.

I will reach out to you by text or email to arrange a day and time that would be convenient for you to have our initial consultation prior to your scheduled Reiki session. This initial consultation should take no more than 5-10 minutes and can be done by phone or preferably a video call.

The initial consultation is only required if you are a first time client with Jason and are receiving Reiki at the Ithaca office or as an Outcall Service. If you have had a Reiki session with Jason before, or you plan to receive your Reiki session at the Cortland office, there will be no need to have this initial consultation.

Intake Form

Soon after booking your appointment, you will receive an email with a link to fill out a client intake form. Please make sure that this is completed as soon as possible, preferably prior to our initial consultation, and at least two days before your first scheduled Reiki session. My goal is to make sure you are extremely comfortable during your Reiki session, and the information on the intake form will help me to better understand your needs and preferences.

Day of Appointment

On the day of your session, if at all possible, please refrain from consuming caffeine, sugar, and alcohol at least three hours before a session (or even 24 hours if possible!). For some people, these substances can interfere with your ability to relax and be comfortable.

You should continue to take any medications, vitamins, or supplements, that you ordinarily take - no alterations are needed in that regard.

If possible, avoid having a heavy meal just prior to your session.

Wear comfortable clothing! If you're coming straight from work, please feel free to bring a change of clothes or your favorite comfy sweatpants. The goal is to make sure you are absolutely comfortable during your session so that you are able to fully relax.

If this is your first session with Jason, please plan to arrive 5-10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment (otherwise, if you are a repeat client, 5 minutes prior to your appointment should be fine). This is to make sure you find my location OK, and that we have a little bit of extra time prior to the start of our session to make sure your comfort needs are fully met.

Before we start the session, use the restroom if you need to so that you can enjoy the full session without interruptions.

I ask that you turn your devices to "do not disturb" or airplane mode. If for some reason this is not possible, please at least silence your phone by setting it to vibrate. It's best that our session not be interrupted with any distractions.

Intro to Reiki / Standard Reiki Sessions

If you have chosen the "Introduction to Reiki" or "Standard Reiki" session, throughout the session you will remain fully clothed, laying face up on a massage table, and pillows and blankets will be provided for your comfort.

Relaxing Touch Reiki Session

If you have chosen the "Relaxing Touch Reiki" session, you will be given privacy to disrobe to your comfort level (down to undergarments or nude or simply shirt off) and your session will begin with you laying face down on the massage table, covered with a sheet.

Outcall Service

If you have chosen to have your session as an Outcall Service, I will arrive at your location 10-15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. This will allow me time to setup the massage table and get everything ready for the session. Please ensure, to the extent possible, that we will be free from any distractions or disruptions (i.e. children, pets, etc.). I will need a clear space of at least 5 feet by 8 feet to set up the massage table and to have room to maneuver around it. If this is not possible, alternatively you may lay on a couch or bed, or as a last resort, I can also perform Reiki while you are sitting comfortably in a chair. We will discuss these options and determine what would work best for your situation during our initial consult call.

Once the Session Begins

Continue reading more details about how our session will unfold in the next FAQ below.

I am providing very detailed information about the different sessions I offer specifically in my practice. Other Reiki practitioners may conduct their sessions differently.

The specifics of your session depends on how your session will be delivered to you. Click the below links to read more detailed information about each session type.

Reiki By Jason - Ithaca Office

My home office is located in the northeast Ithaca/Lansing area. The exact address of the location will be provided to you after our initial consult call. Since I work out of my home, I ask that you respect my privacy and use discretion so as to not disclose where I live to others.

Please plan to arrive about 5 minutes prior to your scheduled start time (10 minutes prior if this is your very first time seeing me). This will allow us to maximize our time together in the most efficient way.

I offer three different types of Reiki sessions at the Ithaca location. How your session will unfold depends on the type of session you have chosen to have. Click on the link below that corresponds to your session to read more details about that specific session type.

Reiki By Jason - Cortland Office

The Cortland office is located at 150 Tompkins St. at Invigorations Studio behind Varsity Liquors. This is a shared office space that is used by other Reiki practitioners and massage therapists. The Reiki Room is a private space, but the rest of the general office space (reception area, bathroom, etc.) is shared with the other practitioners. Please keep this in mind and try to keep noise minimal when entering the office, as we want to be respectful of the other healing sessions that may be happening.

Please plan to arrive about 5 minutes prior to your scheduled start time (10 minutes prior if this is your very first time seeing me). This will allow us to maximize our time together in the most efficient way.

I offer two types of Reiki sessions at the Cortland location. How your session will unfold depends on the type of session you have chosen to have. Click on the link below that corresponds to your session to read more details about that specific session type.

Outcall Service

If you have chosen to have your session as an outcall service, I will plan to arrive at your location 10-15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. This will give me time to setup the massage table and prepare myself for our session. I will need to have a clear space of at least 5 feet by 8 feet in order to use the massage table. If you have chosen the Relaxing Touch Reiki session, space for the massage table is required. I will not be able to perform this service otherwise. If you have chosen to have a Standard Reiki session, we have other options available. If space for the massage table is not possible, as an alternative you may lay on a couch or bed. If neither of these are possible, as a last resort, you may sit in a comfortable chair.

It is important that we be free from any distractions or disruptions. Please make sure things like children and pets are taken care of prior to my arrival so that your session will be of most benefit to you.

The next steps depend on what type of session you have chosen. Click one of the links below to read more details about your specific session type.

For Intro to Reiki Sessions

My special "Introduction to Reiki" session is only offered to first-time clients. I have created this service specifically as a low-cost option to give people a chance to experience firsthand the awesomeness of a Reiki treatment session. So if you have been curious or even skeptical about Reiki - now is your chance to experience it for yourself. I specifically invite those who are skeptical or have never believed in Reiki or perhaps never even heard of it before! But this specially priced session is only good for your first time with me. You would not be eligible to choose this session type on any subsequent visit.

The session length is usually about 40-60 minutes and is much like a Standard Reiki session, just condensed a bit on the time.

For Standard Reiki Sessions

A Standard Reiki session length is usually about 1hr to 1hr 20min (60-80 minutes).

For Relaxing Touch Reiki Sessions

A Relaxing Touch Reiki session length is usually between 1hr 20min and 1hr 40min (80-100 minutes).

At the start of each session you and I will have a brief conversation (if this is your very first session with me the conversation may be a bit longer). We will discuss any goals or expectations you may have for the session. If you've never had Reiki before, I will also explain to you the general process. There will be soft relaxing music playing and the room will be dimly lit. Depending on your specific needs and preferences, there may also be an essential oils air diffuser running. This is all to further promote your relaxation.

You will lay face up on a massage table (you will remain fully clothed, but I will ask you to remove your shoes). I will provide you with pillows and blankets to ensure your comfort.

After this brief conversation, I will exit the Reiki Roomroom to allow you privacy. You will then disrobe to your comfort level (down to undergarments, nude, or simply shirt off). Lay face down on the massage table, covering yourself with the sheet. Once you are settled, I will re-enter the room and make sure you are comfortable. I will then apply an organic relaxation cream to your back, rubbing it in so that it absorbs through the skin. This is to help further your relaxation. If, during our conversation prior to the start of the session, you have indicated you would like me to rub the relaxation cream on other parts of your body (arms, legs, etc.) I will proceed to those areas as well. At all times your body and your comfort levels and boundaries will be fully respected.

After the relaxation cream has been applied, I will ask you to turn over face up. While doing so, you will use the sheet to ensure your privacy is maintained. I will get you re-adjusted with a pillow and an additional blanket if necessary. Once you are re-settled, I will then proceed in providing you with my standard Reiki session.

I will ask you to close your eyes, and together we will take a few deep breaths. I will then initiate the procedure to activate the Reiki energy for your benefit. It is preferred that there be no talking, unless of course you need something that would allow you to feel more comfortable, then by all means, please stop me and let me know.

I will go through an initial set of standard hand positions, starting with just above your head and ending at your feet. Each of the initial positions last between 1-5 minutes. While going through the initial set of standard hand positions I will also be giving Reiki to each of your primary chakras. As I'm doing this initial phase at each of the chakras, I will be receiving feedback from your body's bioenergy field. I will be attentive and observant of any subtle differences I may feel at each of the chakras. This informs me as to which areas may need additional attention. At each of the positions I may or may not actually be touching your body. If my hands are not touching your body they will be just a few inches above you. If I do need to touch your body, it will be a very light touch, literally just my hands laying lightly on you. If you do not wish to be touched at all, or if there is anywhere on your body where you do not like to be touched (for example some people don't like their feet touched), please let me know prior to the session starting. At all times your body and your comfort levels and boundaries will be fully respected.

After this initial phase is completed, if you have come to have Reiki for a specific purpose I will perform Reiki to address those concerns. I will also return to any area where during the initial phase I sensed may need some extra attention and I will give additional Reiki to those areas.

I will also likely be intuitively guided in a number of different ways to the areas that are wanting the Reiki energy the most.

Before concluding the session I will do a final scan of your body to ensure that things seem to be flowing better and I will make note of any residual problem areas. The use of a pendulum will also inform me in this regard. I will perform a grounding exercise at your feet that will assist you in the transition out of the Reiki treatment. I will then do a series of "wipes" near or on your energy field. This action is intended to be a "reset" of sorts to clear things away from your energy field as you transition out of the treatment. I will then brush myself off, clearing my own energy field of any negative energies I may have picked up during the treatment process.

I will gently inform you that the session is complete and you may open your eyes.

I will once again exit the room so you may get dressed. Once you are dressed I will re-enter the room and we will have a debriefing conversation.

We will then have a debriefing conversation.

I will share with you anything that I observed during the treatment or anything that I may have intuitively received. I will also ask you for your feedback. I will want to know about any sensations you may have felt during your session, or if you envisioned anything, or smelled anything, etc. It is also perfectly fine if you didn't feel anything at all. Not everyone feels things during their session. This doesn't mean that Reiki isn't working.

Some people actually fall asleep during their session and this is completely fine as well. In fact, for me, it's a huge compliment! It means that you are feeling so relaxed and you honor me by entrusting your sleeping body in my care. Reiki energy will still be flowing to you regardless if you are awake or doze off during the session.

Distance Reiki

I offer two different types of Distance Reiki sessions. The Remote Video Reiki session takes place via a video call, whereas the Distant Reiki session does not.

Please click the link corresponding to your specific session to read more details.

Remote Video Reiki Session

Either in your confirmation email or a few days prior to your appointment you will receive information on how to connect. Please make sure you have the proper software installed and it is operating correctly well in advance of your appointment time.

Once connected on the video call we will first have a brief conversation regarding your goals and expectations for the Reiki session and any problem areas you would like to focus on. It would be best if the computer or phone you're using is near a bed, couch, or comfortable chair where you will be able to fully relax. We will do a couple of deep breaths together and I will then initiate the procedure to activate Distance Reiki. I will then perform Reiki while we both remain silent on the call. I will gently inform you upon the completion of the session. You will tell me about any sensations that you may have felt during the session or if you experienced any kind of visions or thoughts. I will also share with you anything that I may have intuitively received during the session.

Distant Reiki Session

You and I will communicate prior to your session appointment. This communication may take place via email, text message, or video call. You will tell me about your goals and expectations for the session and any problem areas you may want to focus on. I will ask that prior to your appointment you send me a photo of yourself. This will help me visualize who I am sending the Reiki energy to, and will help me to maintain my focus on just sending you Reiki. At your scheduled appointment time I will send you a text message letting you know I'm about to begin sending Reiki to you. I strongly encourage you to go to a quiet dark room where you will be able to lay down and fully relax (e.g. on your bed in your bedroom, or on the couch in the living room). You may play soft relaxing music if that would be helpful to you. I suggest setting your phone's timer for 30 minutes. But that is optional, as you may not want to be abruptly startled out of relaxation. You should take several initial deep breaths and try to clear your mind as best as you can. During the designated appointment time I will be doing the same preparations, getting myself into a relaxed state in a quiet dark room. For the next 30 minutes I will send Reiki energy directly to you with the intention that it be received for your greatest benefit. After 30 minutes I will send you a text message letting you know I have completed the session. I will also let you know of anything that I may have intuitively received during the session. It would be helpful if you also shared with me any sensations you may have felt during the session or if you experienced any kind of visions.

Even if you are not able to fully relax or perhaps you are not able to get yourself away into a quiet place at the designated appointment time, Reiki energy will still be flowing to you. You will be in a better state to receive the energy if you are in a relaxed state, so that is definitely preferred for best results, but it is not absolutely necessary. You may still get feelings and sensations from the Reiki even if you aren't in that preferred relaxed state.

You may feel sensations such as heat, tingling, coolness, or throbbing. Or you may feel very little. At the very least most people experience a sense of well being and relaxation. Some even fall asleep. And sometimes a treatment can be energizing. You may experience visions or see colors. You may have thoughts going through your head during the session. You can observe these and make a mental note of them, but do not attach yourself to them. Let them flow out of your head. Some people may have an emotional response to the treatment. Please do not worry about this. It is all part of your body's natural healing process.

If you don't feel anything at all, that is fine too. Trust that Reiki is still working and providing you with its benefits.

This can vary from person to person and from session to session. You may not initially feel anything remarkable at all. But trust that Reiki is still working to restore balance and provide you with natural healing. At the very least, most people will feel a sense of deep calmness and relaxation. You may feel a closer spiritual connectedness. You also may feel extra tired for the rest of the day following your treatment. This is actually a good sign that your body is doing what it needs to do to restore balance and activate healing. If you are receiving Reiki for pain management, do not be surprised if you actually feel a little bit more pain in the first day or two after your first session. Again, believe it or not, this is actually a good sign that Reiki is working. It's bringing attention to the area of your body that needs to receive healing. You should then be able to notice a quick decline in the pain.

It is recommended that you drink additional water the remainder of the day following your Reiki session.

I'm very excited to be able to offer Reiki as an Outcall Service. Perhaps you would feel more comfortable in your home. Or perhaps you do not live in or near Ithaca or Cortland. Or perhaps because of illness or injury it would be a burden to travel or navigate the stairs required to reach the Reiki Room at my Ithaca location. Whatever the reason - I am happy to provide Reiki services to you, in person, at your location. An additional travel charge does apply, and varies depending on your location. My outcall service covers all of Tompkins and Cortland Counties, as well as most areas in Schuyler, Chemung, Cayuga, Seneca, and Tioga Counties. If you are outside of my service area, but are still interested in having me come to you, please contact me - depending on your location, we may still be able to make it happen. Or of course, you are welcome to come to me at my Ithaca office or Cortland office, or you can schedule a Distance Reiki session with me.

For exact pricing and coverage area, go to the Appointment Scheduler.

If you choose to have your session as an Outcall Service, I will arrive at your location 10-15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time. This will allow me time to setup the massage table and get everything ready for the session.

Please ensure, to the extent possible, that we will be free from any distractions or disruptions (i.e. children, pets, etc.).

I will need a clear space of at least 5 feet by 8 feet to set up the massage table and to have room to maneuver around it. If this is not possible, alternatively you may lay on a couch or bed, or as a last resort, I can also perform Reiki while you are sitting comfortably in a chair. We will discuss these options and determine what would work best for your situation during our initial consult call. Please note, if you are interested in the Relaxing Touch Reiki session, I must be able to use the massage table. Only the Standard Reiki session can be performed without the massage table, if necessary.

There are different methods of doing Distance Reiki, and in my practice I offer two Distance Reiki services.

For the Remote Video Reiki Session, we will connect via video call and first have a brief conversation regarding your goals and expectations for the Reiki session and any problem areas you would like to focus on. It would be best if the computer or phone you're using is near a bed, couch, or comfortable chair where you will be able to fully relax. We will do a couple of deep breaths together and I will then initiate the procedure to activate Distance Reiki. I will then perform Reiki while we both remain silent on the video call. I will gently inform you upon the completion of the session. You will tell me about any sensations that you may have felt during the session or if you experienced any kind of visions or thoughts. I will also share with you anything that I may have intuitively received during the session.

For the Distant Reiki session, you and I will communicate prior to the session date and time. This communication will take place via email, text message, or video call. You will tell me about your goals and expectations for the session and any problem areas you may want to be addressed. I will also ask that you send me a photo of yourself. This will help me visualize who I am sending the Reiki energy to, and will help me to maintain my focus on just sending you Reiki. At your appointment time I will send you a text message to let you know I'm about to begin to send Reiki to you. It is strongly encouraged that you go into a quiet dark room where you will be able to lay down and fully relax (e.g. on your bed in your bedroom, or on the couch in the living room). You may play soft relaxing music if that would be helpful to you. I suggest setting your phone's timer for 30 minutes. But that is optional, as you may not want to be abruptly startled out of relaxation. You should take several initial deep breaths and try clear your mind as best as you can. During the designated appointment time I will be doing the same preparations, getting myself into a relaxed state in a quiet dark room. For the next 30 minutes I will send Reiki energy directly to you with the intention that it be received for your greatest benefit. After 30 minutes I will send you a text message letting you know I have completed the session. I will also let you know of anything that I may have intuitively received during the session. It would be helpful if you also shared with me any sensations you may have felt during the session or if you experienced any kind of visions. Even if you are not able to fully relax or perhaps you are not able to get yourself away into a quiet place at the designated appointment time, Reiki energy will still be flowing to you. You will be in a better state to receive the energy if you are in a relaxed state, so that is definitely preferred for best results, but it is not completely necessary. You may still get feelings and sensations from the Reiki even if you aren't in that preferred relaxed state.

Unfortunately at this time no major health insurance carrier is known to cover Reiki. Some people have reported to have had insurance cover Reiki only when it is administered by a medical doctor or nurse and only when part of some other procedure. Other people have reported that they have been able to use their flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA) to pay for Reiki sessions, but only if their medical doctor first writes them a prescription for Reiki. I would not depend on either of these reports as being solidly backed information, however. They are only anecdotal, and based on my research, they don't seem to be confirmed by any official source.

I have been aware of my intuitive abilities since I was a small child. I believe I was specifically guided to my Reiki training, even while my logical rational side showed no interest, my internal voice literally was yelling at me YES YES YES! You can read more about me and my journey to Reiki. I became certified in April 2022 and officially started my practice in September 2022. In October 2023 I became a Reiki Master. I have performed Reiki on a number of individuals, with each session producing amazing results not only for the person receiving Reiki, but for me as the practitioner as well. With each session I have grown more confident in my intuitive abilities and I seem to be able to quickly sense and pick up on things that I can't imagine I would have ever picked up on if I had never practiced Reiki. Having the privilege of performing Reiki on these individuals has only strengthened and expanded my intuitive abilities and has allowed me to fully embrace, without fear or shame, a side of me I kept hidden from almost everyone for most of my life. Reiki has literally altered the course of my life, and I am excited to be on this amazing journey and I can't wait to have you be a part of it!

I am certified in Usui Reiki I, II, and III with Holy Fire III. I received my initial Reiki I and II training and Reiki attunements from Reiki Master Sharyn Madison in Cortland, NY in April 2022. I received my Reiki III Experiences, Placements, and Ignitions and Reiki Master Training from Sharyn Madison in Cortland, NY in October 2023. You can review my Reiki Lineage.

I attend Reiki Share groups when I am able to do so to continually practice Reiki with and on other Reiki practitioners and these experiences have been equally amazing and confirming for me. They also allow me to gain new additional insights from other more experienced practitioners. I value and appreciate the mentorship and guidance I have received from my Reiki Master as well as my new Reiki practitioner friends.

Experience certainly is one factor to consider when choosing a Reiki practitioner. However, it is much more important that your practitioner is a right fit for you and your needs. Each practitioner brings to their Reiki session their own individualized gifts and abilities as well as their own personalized style of Reiki. I invite you to see for yourself if I would be a good fit for you.

Most Reiki practitioners follow some basic ethical guidelines.

At a minimum, in my practice and in my daily personal life, I subscribe to and follow the 5 Reiki Precepts. I use these as my ethical guide.

In addition to the 5 Reiki Precepts, I have established a list of ethical guidelines that I swear to uphold.

You can read Jason's Ethics for more details.

Appointment Scheduling & Payment FAQs

Making your appointment is easy! Just click on the link below to go to the Appointment Scheduler. If during the process you have any questions or encounter any problems, please let me know. I am very open to tailoring a session for your specific needs, so if you want anything special during your session, please ask. If the published appointment times do not work for you, contact me - I might have additional availability for you.

Make Your Appointment

For in person Reiki sessions, I work from two locations, in Ithaca, NY and Cortland, NY.

My main Ithaca office is located in my home office in the Northeast Ithaca/Lansing area. Because I work out of my home, my address is not publicly provided on the website. You will be provided the exact address prior to your first appointment with me.

Starting in January 2024 I am excited to be able to offer appointments in Cortland. My Cortland office is a shared office space at Invigorations Studio, located at 150 Tompkins St., Cortland, NY (just behind Varsity Liquors).

Hours are by appointment only and can vary depending on the day.

While specific hours and availability can vary, I generally am available for appointments at the Ithaca office on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Sundays. I generally have appointments at the Cortland office on Mondays and Tuesdays. These days and availability may change from time to time, so definitely check the Appointment Scheduler for the most accurate information and to schedule your Reiki session with me.

If you need to cancel or re-schedule your appointment, you may do so using the Appointment Scheduler. You may cancel or re-schedule your appointment without penalty up to 24 hours before your scheduled appointment start time. If you are unable to make your appointment, and it is less than 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time, you won't be able to cancel or re-schedule using the online Appointment Scheduler, so instead, please call or text (text is preferred) 607-391-1260. Missed appointments with less than 24 hours notice, but at least two hours notice will be charged the lesser of 50% of the session price, or $25. Missed appointments without notification or less than two hours notice will be charged the lesser of $50, or the full price of the session.

I try to be as flexible as I possibly can and accept a number of payment options.

For sessions held at my Ithaca or Cortland offices you have the choice to pay in advance online when you make your appointment, or you may pay in person at the time of your appointment. You can even do split payments, paying a portion online ahead of time and the remaining payment in person at the time of your appointment.

Outcall and Distance sessions require advance payment online at the time you make your appointment.

When paying online you may use the following credit cards:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Discover

When paying in person at the time of your appointment, in addition to the above credit cards, I also accept the following payment methods:

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Venmo
  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay

If you need to make any other kind of special payment arrangements, please contact me, I try to be as flexible as I can and will work with you to come up with a solution.

General Reiki FAQs

Reiki is an ancient hands on healing system that is capable of deeply stimulating the relaxation response of the body and balancing the energy system. Within this context, it supports the body's innate power to self-correct and restore health and wellbeing.

For a more complete, detailed answer see the What is Reiki page.

Yes, I assure you, it is very real. But I understand the skepticism. Trust me. I was right there with you. I had always heard about Reiki, but to be honest, I thought the whole idea of it was quite silly. Like someone puts their hands a couple inches above your body and somehow that is supposed to heal you? Come on! It sounded ludicrous. I thought it was a bunch of crazy whackadoodle woo woo hippy dippy stuff. Not for me. I simply did not believe in Reiki at all. That is, until I had my first Reiki session. The session for me was profound, and pretty life altering, to say the least. I could not deny the experience I had. And I was convinced there was something there. But even then, I would say I was initially a reluctant believer. But then I started to perform Reiki on others. Oh man! It was like a new door within me had been opened. It was always there, but I just never cared to open it before. Performing Reiki gave me a feeling I cannot possibly adequately describe. It solidified for me that this is what I am meant to do. It was what I had been called to do. It had been there waiting for me to step up and take what it was offering me. You can read more about me and my journey to discovering Reiki.

I know there is no way I can convince you with words that Reiki is real and really works. If you are skeptical like I was, if it all sounds too fantastical to be true, you will only know the power of Reiki by experiencing it for yourself. I would be honored to show you and demonstrate the many ways it can benefit you in your life. I specifically welcome skeptics and those who may be on the fence about it, or perhaps you've heard about it and have been curious. This is why I created the "Introduction to Reiki" session. It's a very affordable no-risk entry to experience Reiki for yourself.

No, actually it isn't a placebo. Animals receive Reiki with amazing results. It is not possible for an animal to experience a placebo effect. There have been multiple scientific studies that have shown more favorable outcomes in people who have had Reiki performed on them compared to no Reiki or so called "sham" Reiki (people pretending that they are giving a Reiki treatment). I have listed just a few of those studies here.

But the only way for you to know for sure is to have a Reiki session with me and see for yourself!

I'm going to give an answer that you, and my fellow Reiki practitioners, may not like.

I don't know how it works.

I just know that it does.

But just because I cannot technically explain how it works, doesn't mean that there isn't something happening during Reiki sessions. I can't technically explain to you how electricity works and how we receive power to our homes. I just know when I flip the switch the light comes on. I can't technically explain to you how radio or TV broadcasting works, but I can show you that it does by turning on the radio or turning on the television. But how those sounds and those images get broadcasted through the air into our homes, cars, and phones - I can't really explain the mechanics of all that.

If you're looking for a more "scientific" explanation to the question of how does it work, take a look at one Reiki Master's theory. She believes Reiki helps to activate the parasympathetic nervous system which allows our bodies to exit the prolonged "fight or flight" mode that most of us live under and enter into a "rest and digest" mode. While in this "rest and digest" mode is when our body is able to do its own natural self-healing, including cell damage repair, boosting the immune system, and other mechanisms that our bodies were naturally built to do.

Below is an excerpt from the more "spiritual" explanation provided by The International Center for Reiki Training:

We are alive because life force is flowing through us. Life force flows within the physical body though pathways called chakras, meridians and nadis. It also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura. Life force nourishes the organs and cells of the body, supporting them in their vital functions. When this flow of life force is disrupted, it causes diminished function in one or more of the organs and tissues of the physical body.

The life force is responsive to thoughts and feelings. It becomes disrupted when we accept, either consciously or unconsciously, negative thoughts or feelings about ourselves. These negative thoughts and feelings attach themselves to the energy field and cause a disruption in the flow of life force. This diminishes the vital function of the organs and cells of the physical body.

Reiki heals by flowing through the affected parts of the energy field and charging them with positive energy. It raises the vibratory level of the energy field in and around the physical body where the negative thoughts and feelings are attached. This causes the negative energy to break apart and fall away. In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.

I have linked a bunch of studies that have been done on the efficacy of Reiki on the Benefits of Reiki page. But honestly, the only absolute proof I can provide you is with a Reiki session so you can experience it for yourself.

The short and simple answer is that Reiki can help you in just about all areas of your life, to restore balance among your body's systems, activate your body's own natural ability to heal itself, provide mental clarity, bring you emotional peace, and further connectedness. It will give you a feeling of general wellbeing. It can be used to help manage the symptoms of just about any illness or disease, but more importantly, it keeps things running in a smooth and balanced way with all your body's systems working more cooperatively to enhance your overall health and wellness. For much more information, read the Benefits of Reiki page.

Just about everything. I know that sounds overly simplistic. But it's true. Reiki can help with just about any issue or condition you may have. I've listed some examples on the Benefits of Reiki page.

In the practice of Reiki we learn that chakras are a part of our biofield. There are 7 primary chakras. Depending on who you study or what practice you follow, there are said to be more than just the 7 primary chakras. I've seen numbers of 9, 12, and even over 100. However, the 7 primary chakras are the ones I focus on in my practice.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates to mean "energy wheel". The chakra system is a vital part of many practices, including yoga, meditation, accupuncture, as well as most Eastern medicine practices. So the chakra system is definitely not unique to Reiki.

Our chakras store and control the flow of energy that is a part of our biofield and our actions can affect them in both positive and negative ways. When the flow of energy is balanced and working well, we say the chakra is "open". When we are holding on to some negative emotion, or suffering from a sickness, the chakra is said to be "closed" or "blocked".

Reiki is very helpful to restore balance to the chakra system. It helps to strengthen the chakra's energy flow which in turn promotes our body's general wellbeing.

The 7 primary chakras run parallel to our spine, but they extend through and past this on the bioenergy field level. We are not able to physically see them, but they can be felt and sensed through intuition and through subtle vibrations emanating from our biofield.

You can read more about the 7 Primary Chakras and their functions and how they relate to our bodies and emotions.

NO! Reiki is NOT a replacement for medical treatment. I am not a medical professional and am not equipped to diagnose or treat any specific illness. I do not purport that Reiki is a curative treatment method. It isn't. Reiki activates and promotes your body's own natural ability to heal itself. That does not mean Reiki will cure your illness or disease. But Reiki can help you to manage the symptoms of the illness or disease, such as pain or anxiety, or to help rid your body of the side effects from medical treatment, such as nausea or digestive issues. Reiki also works alongside of conventional medical treatment, often times providing better and faster outcomes when the two are used together compared to receiving conventional medical treatment alone.

Another way to state this is that Reiki will not cure you of cancer, but Reiki will help you to manage and reduce the impacts that cancer and its treatments have on your body. For example, Reiki can help with cancer-related pain, fatigue, and naseau. Having Reiki performed before and as soon after surgery as possible will provide you with a faster recovery.

Also Reiki works best when our bodies are in tune, so receiving regular maintenance Reiki sessions is advised to make sure your body's systems are in balance and working cooperatively. This will be a preventative measure to decrease your chances of becoming sick.

Reiki is completely safe and there are no negative side effects from receiving a Reiki treatment.

Reiki is absolutely completely safe for pregnant women. In fact there are many ways in which Reiki can be beneficial to you during your pregnancy.

Reiki is completely safe for children of all ages. In fact Reiki is performed for children at pediatric units and hospitals across the country every day. People have reported amazing results for Reiki on children. If you are interested in Reiki for your child, please contact me prior to making your appointment.

Actually... yes! Reiki is performed for animals all the time. It is extremely popular, and apparently just as highly effective, if not moreso, in animals.

At this time I am not treating animals as part of my Reiki practice. The level of Reiki training I received for treating animals was very limited. There are additional training levels and certifications specific to animal Reiki. I would feel much more comfortable referring you to one of several Reiki practitioners and veterinarians I know in the area who provide Reiki for animals.

Yes even plants! Because Reiki works with the bioenergy field and all living things have a bioenergy field, including plants, they too can benefit from Reiki.

Currently I limit my Reiki practice to treating humans only.

Reiki is definitely not a cult nor a religion. Although Reiki energy is spiritual in nature, Reiki is not a religion. Neither you as the client nor me as the practitioner need to change any religious or spiritual beliefs we may have. And you can still benefit from Reiki even if you have no religious faith or spiritual belief. You do not need to believe in anything, including Reiki itself, in order to receive all the positive benefits from Reiki.

This excerpt from the UK-based Reiki Association provides sound guidance on how to choose a Reiki practitioner that is right for you.

Have a chat with the practitioner before you book a session. Ask about their own journey with Reiki. How long have they been doing Reiki? Why were they drawn to do it? Who did they learn with? You could also talk to others who have had a Reiki session with the practitioner. But ultimately trust your own heart. If you feel happy with the practitioner after your chat, book a session. If you are not completely comfortable then try someone else. Practitioners should do their best to make a Reiki treatment a comfortable experience. Trust your intuition and, if you don't feel at ease with the practitioner, don't be afraid to look further.


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